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Becca Catlin
Dec 2, 20246 min read
Climbing may just be the perfect activity for everyone from kids to seniors and everyone in-between
If your impression of climbing is young men with defined muscles grunting their way up dime thin ledges, you are misled. Climbing is for...
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Becca Catlin
Nov 2, 20247 min read
Reduce foot pain climbing: poor muscle strength can lead to overuse injuries of the foot This is how to fix it
We hang on hang boards and do pull ups for upper body strength but what do we do for our feet? If our feet are weak, our toes could be in...

Becca Catlin
Oct 17, 20244 min read
Re-Thinking the culture of overly tight climbing shoes: How downsizing upsizes foot pain when climbing
Eighty to ninety percent of climbers have foot pain when climbing ( 1,2,3) . In those surveyed, climbing with foot pain was considered...
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Becca Catlin
Sep 14, 20247 min read
climbing injuries of the hand:Finger dislocation
The plan was to spend a week in Squamish, BC, a haven for outdoor sports enthusiasts from across Canadas and the US. Granite walls rise...
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Becca Catlin
Jul 24, 202414 min read
"Your ultimate guide to stretching: when, why, how"
Awareness of current research to the effects of stretching is alarmingly low among exercise and health professionals. A survey-based...
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Becca Catlin
Jun 28, 20246 min read
Injury prevention for female climbers: how hormones impact tendons and ligaments making training effects different for females is your training giving you optimal results?
Before you get injured understand how to build tendon quality and how this differs for women vs men.
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Becca Catlin
Jun 26, 20246 min read
Tendon training for climber: how to prevent Injury
Tendons have a high rate of injury in climbers. I have treated my share of finger flexors, elbow tendinopathy, shoulder impingements,...
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Becca Catlin
Jul 29, 20230 min read
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Becca Catlin
Jul 16, 20234 min read
Sleep is a Powerful Player in Performance. How Much is Enough?
It was summer, the mountains were out, and Seattle was having a crazy run of consecutive days without rain. In the Pacific Northwest,...
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Becca Catlin
Apr 14, 20233 min read
Are females losing out by training with programs designed for men? Insights into training responses
It is well known that women are more likely to sustain certain connective tissue injuries than men during physical activities (Jones et...
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Becca Catlin
Apr 14, 20232 min read
When Can I go back to climbing after finger Pulley injury?
There is a wide range of healing time given in the literature as to when a pulley is healed and ready to bear heavy loads. The extent of...
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Becca Catlin
Apr 14, 20235 min read
Mastering Menses: How to train through your cycle to optimize strength gains and avoid injury
For a female, the menstrual cycle is a window into her health. Within a year or two of starting your initial menses it is healthy to have...
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Becca Catlin
Apr 14, 20233 min read
5 signs you may have flexor tendon injury the hand
Finger flexor tendon pain is the most frequent overuse syndrome in climbers’ fingers. Aggressive and frequent forceful flexion of the...
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Becca Catlin
Apr 14, 20231 min read
3 Types of Tendon injuries in the hand
Tenosynovitis is inflammation in the sheath that surrounds flexor tendons of the hand. This sheath provides nutritional support and...
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