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Becca Catlin
Jun 28, 20246 min read
Injury prevention for female climbers: how hormones impact tendons and ligaments making training effects different for females is your training giving you optimal results?
Before you get injured understand how to build tendon quality and how this differs for women vs men.
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Becca Catlin
Apr 14, 20233 min read
Are females losing out by training with programs designed for men? Insights into training responses
It is well known that women are more likely to sustain certain connective tissue injuries than men during physical activities (Jones et...
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Becca Catlin
Apr 14, 20235 min read
Mastering Menses: How to train through your cycle to optimize strength gains and avoid injury
For a female, the menstrual cycle is a window into her health. Within a year or two of starting your initial menses it is healthy to have...
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